Jahreshauptversammlung / Annual General Meeting 2025
Dear VKT-members,
We hereby cordially invite you to the 11th Annual General Meeting of the VKT|JKU. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, 12.02.2025, from 17:00-19:15 in the Room K009D. The guidelines applicable to the General Assembly are set out in the Articles of Association (§§10 and 11).
Keydata for the Event:
- Where? K009D (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
- When? 12.02.2025; 17:00 – 19:15 Uhr
- Who? All VKT|JKU Members
If you have any suggestions for changes to the current agenda, these can be submitted up to 3 days before (09.02.2025).
Nominations for the election of the new board can be submitted by association members by e-mail to no later than 3 days (09.02.2025) before the Annual General Meeting. The chairman, secretary and treasurer and their deputies are elected. All other functions will be appointed.
Finally, I would like to make an appeal to you students: In recent years, the willingness to participate in the VKT has declined somewhat, so unfortunately it has no longer been possible for us to put on the variety of events for you. In order to counteract this trend and ensure the continued existence of the association in the future, we are urgently looking for new creative minds who would like to get involved in the association. If you are interested, please either come to the Annual General Meeting or contact us by e-mail.
We look forward to seeing you there,
Your VKT JKU Team